
Published on: 2024-02-10


Last updated on: 2024-02-10

Word Count: 1500


6 minutes

Alright, Sheffield students, spill it. How many of you are staring at a blank CV with the same enthusiasm you'd greet a soggy chip butty on a rainy Tuesday? Then our CV writing service in Sheffield is for you. Hands up if your resume looks like it was written by a caffeinated pigeon on a rampage with a highlighter.

Don't worry, we've all been there you now need My Perfect Writing’s resume writing service in Sheffield.

Fear not, weary job warriors! For My Perfect Writing, Sheffield's own knight in shining keyboard armor, is here to vanquish your application anxieties and turn that CV into a career catapult.

Don't believe me? Well, hold your Yorkshire Tea and listen up, because I'm about to drop some truth bombs about why My Perfect Writing's CV Writing Service in Sheffield and Resume Writing Service in Sheffield are your ticket to landing that dream job.

The Five Fs of My Perfect Writing's Services (No, not Fries, unfortunately)

  1. Formatting Fantastico: Say goodbye to the CV formatting skills you learned in Year 7 Microsoft Word. My Perfect Writing's CV writing service in Sheffield will whip your resume into shape with sleek, Applicant Tracking System friendly designs that'll make recruiters do a double take (and not the kind inspired by questionable cafeteria food).

  2. Facts Fantasticated (in a good way): Remember that time you "spearheaded" a group project that mainly involved avoiding eye contact while strolling through memes? My Perfect Writing can spin even the dullest details into achievements so shiny they'll blind hiring managers with awesomeness. We got your back (and your linguistic faux pas).

  3. Keywords Kung-Fu: Don't know your search engine optimization from your elbow? That's okay, leave the keyword magic to us. My Perfect Writing's team are masters of weaving in the right words to make your resume a magnet for applicant tracking systems.

  4. Fluff-Busting Fury: Gone are the days of CVs bloated with self-serving fluff. My Perfect Writing's resume writing service in Sheffield will slash through unnecessary waffle like ninjas with thesauruses, leaving behind a lean, mean resume that screams competence with every bullet point.

  5. Free Time Fiesta: Let's face it, who has time to write a stellar CV when you're juggling lectures, part-time jobs, and trying to remember where you left your dignity after that toga party? My Perfect Writing gives you back your precious hours so you can focus on more important things.

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Why Choose My Perfect Writing over a Packet of Crisps?

  1. Expert Writers: Our team are wordsmiths, not robots. They'll actually read your CV and tailor it to your specific skills and goals. No generic templates here, mate!
  2. Sheffield Savvy: We know the local job market inside out, so your CV will be targeted to opportunities in Steel City itself. Think of us as your friendly neighborhood career compass.
  3. Affordable Prices: Unlike that overpriced pint at the Leadmill, My Perfect Writing's services won't leave your wallet weeping. We offer flexible packages to suit your budget, meaning you can still afford that celebratory post-interview celebratory pint (or ten).


So, there you have it, Sheffield students. The key to unlocking your career potential is no longer buried in a dusty textbook or hidden behind a paywall of online CV-builders. My Perfect Writing's CV Writing Service in Sheffield and Resume Writing Service in Sheffield are your secret weapons, ready to launch you into your dream job.

Don't wait until your student loan runs drier than a Greggs sausage roll - contact My Perfect Writing today and let's get your career rolling! Remember, life's too short to stress about a rubbish CV. Leave the resume wrangling to the pros and spend your time doing what you do best: procrastinating like a champion and perfecting your Sheffield slang repertoire. You got this! 

P.S. We also offer cover letter writing and interview coaching, so basically, we're your one-stop shop for career domination. You're welcome.


  1. SEO Starter Guide: The Basics | Google Search Central | Documentation. (n.d.). Google for Developers. Retrieved January 27, 2024, from
  2. What Are Applicant Tracking Systems? (Plus Tips for Success) | (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2024, from


Author’s Bio

Ava Thomas

Ava Thomas a Humanities scholar specializes in modern literature and philosophy With her Masters in English Literature Ava combines her love for storytelling with critical analysis providing thoughtprovoking and enriching content for her readers